Appium With Java
Java - Topics
•Java Basics
•Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
•Strings, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
•File Handling
•Exceptions and Exception Handling
Appium - Contents
•Features of Appium
•Appium Architecture
•Advantages of Appium
•Disadvantages of Appium
•Types of Mobile Application
•Prerequisite to use Appium
•Installation of Appium on Windows OS
•Limitation of Appium
•Competitors of Appium
•Appium vs Robotium
•Appium vs Selendroid
•WebDriver Architecture and WebElement Architecture
•Appium Capabilities (Android, iOS and Windows)
•How to Enable USB Debugging on Android Devices and iOS Devices?
•How to get the Device ID and Platform Version of the Mobile Devices?
•How to connect Mobile Devices over Wi-Fi?
•Locators in Android
•First Program for automating an Native Application on Android
•First Program for automating a Web Application on Android
•First Program for automating a Native Application on Androd
•Locating the Native App Elements
•Locating the Web App Elements
•Automating Mobile Gestures
•Locating Windows Application Elements
•Locators in Windows App
•How to enable Developer Mode in Windows
•First Program for automating a Windows Application